The one and only choice for the Perfect Shower.
An oasis in the desert.
An oasis in tne desert.
- Sweet oud
- Pine forest
- Baby powder
BODYFUL Sweet oud is inspired by Yakushima Cedar’s LIFE IN THE WOOD motif. It contains skin nourishing vitamin formulas with the tonic of wilderness of Japanese wood forest which is proven to boost the immune system and improve overall feelings of wellbeing.
Yakushima is renowned as a mystical forest in Japan with lush cedar wood forests and spiritual atmosphere. Their majestic cedar is known as Japan oldest and is definitely one of the most impressive trees in Japan. Feel the ancient grace of Japanese cedar with BODYFUL Sweet oud.
Inspiring and therapeutic scent of Sweet oud helps you getting back to nature and present you a new bathing experience with the mindful moment and sweetest night dream.

BODYFUL Pine forest is inspired by the noble, ever-green pine forest of Korea, it contains skin nourishing vitamin formulas with the wisdom from nature and fragrances that boost your inner senses of beauty.
Ever-green pine forests can be found throughout the Korean peninsula as the pine tree has strongly adapted to its natural environment over thousands of years. The pine forests of Korea have its own unique ambience and beauty that add unique charm and aesthetic value.
Korean pine tree not only symbolizes Korea’s natural value but the resilient spirit and character of the people ‘정 (Jeong)', warmth of heart.
Experience the awakening shower experience with Pine forest, it will take your soul to Korea’s lush pine forest, the resilient spirit of nature and present you the best comfort. Embrace your day with fresh start with Pine forest.

BODYFUL Baby powder has been created with sensitive, delicate skin and baby’s health in mind. Its specially formulated allergic free and skin nourishing vitamin ingredients protect and hydrate your baby’s delicate and developing skin.
Allergic Free Baby powder does not disrupt baby’s protective skin barrier, instead it improves softness and minimize the risk of dryness and irritation.
Baby powder’s special formula helps to protect any sensitive skin and baby’s health from any harmful effect of hard water at bath time. Enhance baby’s bath time with a subtle and calming fruity baby power scent. Experience the gentleness for your young skin with the comforting scent of nature.